=== VirtualBox Set-up ===

This text is taken from the Google Doc at
Please look there for the latest version.  A Bio-Linux 7 VirtualBox image has
been created for use in the Keystone Skills course, February 2014.  Others may
find this useful too, but we do not (yet) support regular releases of VirtualBox
images so this info is likely to go out of date.

VirtualBox is a free and powerful cross-platform VM manager found at http://virtualbox.org

0 - Ensure you have at least 40GB free disk space.

1 - Download and install the appropriate version of VirtualBox.

⚠ Bio-Linux is a 64-bit operating system.  Virtually all modern PC processors support 64-bits, even if you have 32-bit Windows installed.  As a rule of thumb, if you have more than 1 core you will have 64-bit support.  See:


Note: If you have a licence for VMWare or for Parallels on your Mac and prefer to use that instead of VirtualBox then it should work fine.  As I don't have the software myself I can't provide a pre-made image or give specific instructions here but will endeavour to answer questions on the Bio-Linux mailing list.  The .ova file should work, I think, otherwise you will need to obtain the latest .iso file for Bio-Linux and install it following the standard Parallels instructions for 64-bit Ubuntu.

2 - Download the .ova file from http://nebc.nerc.ac.uk/downloads/bio-linux-7-20131211.ova

3 - Start VirtualBox and select Import Appliance from the File menu and import the .ova file

4 - Start the VM and when you see a log-in screen, log in as user manager with password also "manager".

6 - Feel free to explore and tinker with the Bio-Linux system.  In the unlikely event you break anything you can always restart from scratch.